Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Cecilie's Truth: Go the extra mile

So you may have noticed this kinda got off track....yeah...I kinda haven't blogged in close to a week O.< Sorreh bout that. I dunno if this'll be an every day thing now, because of multiple reasons I'm too tired to list right now XD

Onward, edlaz!!!

So today was not a cool day.
Ever have one of those days when you feel like you're the only happy person in the house? Mum's stressed and stretched and gives you the "mom look" all day no matter what she's saying, and your little brother's near tears all day, and all you want to do is enjoy life?
Meh. Hate those days.
And today was one of 'em.
Seems to get worse when only having 32 feet of living space.
But now I'm abusing the purpose of this blog. Onto the smile. go the extra mile. Today mum was being stressed and stretched, and it was chore day and clean the trailer day. I was told to do multiple things and get off the computer. Best thing for this? Just do it. So I was told to go clean out my seat in the car, and I did, and when I came in I found her looking even MORE stretched than before, so what did I do?

Went out and cleaned the rest of the car. Because I didn't want that look to go on. I just did it. Without being asked.

Just give up a little more of your time, and do something extra. I could go into the whole long shpiel of all that that you've heard before. I'm just talking small tonight and don't even know what I'm saying XD

So if that made any sense, there it is ;)

The dragons need their scales polished once a month,
Marshmellows are nummy :3
And yes that is a word. Deal with it :P

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Danalias Truth: Laugh

SO sorry for the overdue post, but I've had a cold an therefore couldn't think. My head's cleared slightly, but I'll be surprised if this whole thing actually makes sense.


You know how sometimes you feel down and sad, and for some reason, no one's there to cheer you up? LAUGH. Read a comic. Watch a funny show. Recall those times with your best friend. Do whatever works, just get yourself giggling, and enjoy.

Dance around in pajamas
Sing in the rain
And always hug your cat.

~ Danalia

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Danalias Truth: Praise Him

You know the drill, on my iPod, etc etc.

You know how good it feels when you get praise?
Let's say you get inspired and write an entire book. You give it to someone to read, and they love it. They talk about it, and they just adore it. You'd feel pretty good, wouldn't you?

Have you ever thought that that's the way God would feel if you praised Him?
So when you win, praise Him.
When you lose, praise Him.
If you gain something, praise Him.
If you lose something, look at what you didn't lose, and praise Him.
When all things go out of YOUR control, know that HE is in control, and praise Him.

Praise Him all the time. In the good, in the bad, praise Him. He loves you; praise Him. He gave you a roof over your head; praise Him.
If anyone deserves praise, it would be God. So praise Him.

Thank the Lord.
Hug your dragon.
Know that chocolate and prayer fix everything.


Cecilie's Truth: Just do it.

Sorry for no post last night :P No apologies or explanations...sorry. That was an apology, wasn't it?

Moving on.

Sometimes you just have to do it. Just be YOU. Run out into the rain and get soaked. Splash in puddles. Laugh hysterically. it. Do something you wouldn't normally do. Do something crazy. Put chocolate chips on your popcorn. Run in the rain! :D Giggle for no reason. Do a mad libs with your family. Be crazy. Be fun. Be weird. Be you :)

That is all

Always ask about Perry
Remember that Pascal's a chameleon
And count all 101 dalmations

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day Twelve: Danalias Truth: Take A Break

As usual, this is from my iPod, so forgive me for the short post. =)

Sometimes life can be overwhelming, whith appointments, classes and tight scheduals. You can feel like it's too much, you can feel very pressured. TAKE A BREAK! Get away from it all.

Today was the first day in two weeks that I've been able to lounge around, doing whatever I wish. Today was the 'Saturday' that I never got the past few weeks. Just to show you how busy my life is, today I had to get up at 6:45 this morning, sign on to my journalism class, do chores and school, sign on to my geography class, clean the den and wash the sunroom doors. And yet, it felt like paradise. Yeah, that's how busy my life is right now. But this little break in my schedual helped me rest and prepare for what's to come. So take a break and relax. :)

~ Danalia

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Extras extras! Truths all around!

I just posted a truth, like, three minutes ago, but here's another I realized. That's what this blog's for, anywho.

This might be a silly one :P but enjoy the itty bitty things. No not the "small things" like on my previous post; children, special moments, not that kind of thing.
But the minuscule, tiny, itty bitty teensy weensy things.
The feel of cold apple juice on your tongue.
The look of your favorite necklace.
The feel of your favorite outfit.
A favorite song in a musical.
An inside joke between you and a character of yours. (No that's neither sad nor pathetic; it's rather enjoyable)
Discovering you've added just the right amount of honey to your tea.
Making tea in the first place :P
Watching a TV show with a sibling.
Watching a treasured and time-honored mom and me movie.
Watching any movie with your grandmother.
I'm getting small here. Going back to miniscule.
Gnawing on your nails or your lip while you're reading.
Staying up really late because you're reading and you just can't stop.
Waking up to see a special drawing and a valentine card from your brother on your ceiling, and instantly knowing you've gotten up on the right side of the bed.
The look of a well loved book.
The smell of book pages, slightly worn and turned.
The smell of new tap shoes, fresh out of the box.

Whenever I'm down or sad, angry, anything, a list like this makes me feel better. Not the small things, but the TINY ones. The minescule ones that no one thinks about when they get caught up in life. The small, itty bitty, teensy weensy things that, in my opinion, matter the most. 

That's all ;)

Stay awesome
Drink juicy-juices, 'cause they're the best. 
And give your Dragons a pat ;)

Day Eleven: Cecilie's Truth: Amazing things come in small packages

Cecilie here

If I needed any more proof at all that children are a gift from God, it came tonight while I was Skyping my cousins. My little cousin said: "In the summer days...we're going on a plane to somewhere, and then, and then take a train even further...and...come stay with you at your house."
I literally teared up. She's's so sweet. I stood there for an hour talking to them. I left everything else behind. I stopped mid conversation on three different things and talked to my cousins, and I just....nothing mattered but those two sweet little children. At all. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Stories. Books. School. Friends. Enemies. Worries. Cares. Doubts. Fears. Nothing. Just those two, bright, shining faces, and the sense of joy that they would remember that chat. So rare and so beautiful. Treasure those moments....they don't last forever. I'm near crying right now because all I want is to see those sweet little faces again. To hug them and hold them close...but I'm eight hours away, with no money, no time, a life of my own to live, and no drivers license. So that moment will be special forever and ever, because it's so rare and so beautiful.

Stay awesome, everyone, hold onto the small moments.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day Ten: Danalias Truth: He is there

Yes, I am again doing this on my iPod, so please forgive me for the short post. =)

Today's truth is "He is there"
God is ALWAYS there.
If you're down in the dumps, He's standing there, offering you a hand.
If you're lonely, He's waiting for a hug.
His arms are always the warmest and most comforting.

He's waiting for you. All you have to do is come. God loves you, and He wants you to be happy.
So whenever you're feeling lonely, or you're sad, run to Jesus. He's waiting.

I'd like to put a bit of the song You Lift Me Up by The Afters:

You know my heart is heavy
And the hurt is deep
But when I feel like giving up
You're reminding me

That we all fall down sometimes
When I hit the ground

You lift me up when I am weak
Your arms wrap around me
Your love catches me so I'm letting go

You lift me up when I can't see
You heart's all that I need
Your love carries me so I'm letting go


I know I'm not perfect
I know I make mistakes
I know that I have let You down
But You love me the same

And when I'm surrounded
And when I lose my way
And when I'm crying out and fallen down

You are here to lift me up when I am weak
Your arms wrap around me
Your love catches me so I'm letting go

You lift me up when I can't see
You heart's all that I need
Your love carries me so I'm letting go

No truer words than right there. :) Jesus is my comfort and shelter. Make Him yours, too. =)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day Nine: Cecilie's Truth: You tried

Third post on the subject. (Check out AWAHD, and DORDWD for the corresponding posts. They go in order from: Ranting/pitiful on AWAHD, to indifferent on DORWD, and redeeming here.) Let's dive in, shall we?

I've been reading through my first ever Ranger's Apprentice fic, and discovering it's full of failed attempts on Halt's character, an OC that is really strange, and lots and lots of cheese.

But you know what?
I tried.

I spent close to three months on that story, and I had fun with it. So that's the whole point right there, isn't it? Not that it's perfect, not that it's brilliant, it's not that it's long and involved and clever; it's that it's mine and it's that I tried. I took my time with that story, poured myself into it, stayed up late writing it, and lovingly picked the fonts for the chapter headings. I wrote it to fix something I didn't think was right in the series, and what's it turned into? I've got six songfics and more on the way. I love this pairing. I really do. I'm mastering not only my OC MC, the one who had been really odd, but the charrie I pulled from the series in order to fix what I thought should've -and could've - been better. I'm trying, and I keep working at them, no matter how cheesy they may seem after, I write them from the heart. And that's all I can do.

Stay awesome
Don't forget about your dragons
And always ask where Perry went

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day Eight: Danalias Truth: Its Not Important

Okay, sorry for the short post, but I'm doing this on my iPod. Keep reading and you'll find out why. :)

Today was hectic. We had cousins staying the night, and all of us had to leave at 8:00 to get to church this morning. After church we have Bible study at our house, and that lasted until 2:30. So, as we finally settle down to watch a movie, my dad realizes that he left our laptop at the community center (Our church meets there). So he drives down to the community center to find it closed, and I was on the verge of freaking out.
But then I realized something; it's only a laptop. It's just a THING. It's not going to last forever.
God knows what's best, and He has it all under control.
Now what's better than knowing that an all-knowing and all-seeing God loves you and will do what's best for you? In my opinion, NOTHING. ^_^

~ Danalia

Day Seven: Cecilie's Truth: Let it GO.

Cecilie here. I'm posting late, sorry, but it's because my truth came to me at midnight last night, and once you read the whole post you'll know why I couldn't post it then and there.


Sometimes you just gotta let it go. Just let it roll off your shoulders like rain off your face.

Last night I was having a blast on the web, talking to a couple forum friends, writing, and doing role plays, and then...whaddaya know...internetz died. -.- Or was cut off. One of the two. Anyways.

I was really upset there for a minute, but then I doesn't matter. It'll be back up in the morning and now, without the distraction, I can do something. And what did I do? I wrote an entire scene and edited two songfics, which I've been meaning to do for weeks.

So sometimes you just have to let go of an annoyance so you can see what you really need to do.

I apologize if that didn't make sense....XD

Joun sheïll von lüm all ;)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Day Six: Danalia's Truth: Take A Deep Breath

I almost forgot to look for truths today.
Today was totally insane, with school until 1:00, and then cousins over to stay the weekend... You get the idea; busy day.

Throughout the course of the day, I was frustrated and mad at times, ready to smack somebody.
But when that happened, I stopped myself and took a few moments to just breath.
I took several deep breaths and calmed myself before I actually did strangle someone to death.

I put this as today's truth because I felt that this is something important; it helps you to remember that killing someone because they pissed you off is still illegal. True story.

Sorry for the short post, but I've wii to play and cousins to please.

Au Revoir! 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day five: Cecilie's truth: Just slow down

Short post tonight, sorry :P

I ALMOST forgot to look today, but only almost. Truths have a way of finding me, and that's something I love.


Tonight in tap I was trying my hardest to do these druist one-footed pull-backs, and I just can't seem to get 'em. And there's three girls in our class who have obviously danced for awhile, are in company, are older than everyone else, and 'therefore superior' yada yada yada . . . . . .all that good stuff.
Moving on.
And so
Here's me.
Hasn't danced in awhile.
Been sick
Before that barely had a tap class worth speaking of
Unable to do something so seemingly them, second nature almost.
But then.
We went to do wings.
Here's the truth: Up until tonight, I was mortally terrified of wings.

And then
I nailed 'em.
You just have to do it sometimes. Just do it. Bite the bullet. Grit your teeth. Say a quick prayer, and do it.
And I did. And so we went on down the line and, know what? Theirs were faster and higher and wider and bigger than mine.
But that doesn't matter
'Cause mine were crisper.

You just have to slow down, back up, and keep trying sometimes. Just slow down. Don't go for huge. Don't go for epic. Try for satisfactory first. Then work up.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day Four: Danalia's Truth: Someone Loves You

Have you ever felt like you're all alone, and nobody cares?
That everyone hates you?

Well, let me correct you.
Even if nobody on this earth does love you, 
Jesus loves you.

Romans 5:8 but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Now I want you to think of your best friend.
Now think about the worst thing you could do to them (Short of killing them) and imagine yourself doing that.  
Now I want you to think about them giving their life up... For you.
Even after all the things you did to them.
That's what Jesus did.
He willingly sacrificed his life for you, even though you were lower than dirt compared to Him.
Now if that's not love, I don't know what is. 

~ Danalia

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day Three: Cecilie's Truth: You're never alone

Cecilie here with today's truth: You are never alone.

That right there can be a very, very deep truth, but I'm not thinking in that sense today.
I'm thinking the lighter, fluffier version (watch out, I overuse 'fluffy',it's my second favorite adjective)

Just don't start thinking about the deep truth there, got it? Let's move on.

You really are never alone
You math nerds
You sports fans
You dancers
You cat lovers
You dinosaur-obsessed
You historians
You writers
You weird people like me
You people who put bunches of hair ties in your hair so you don't lose them
You people who love photography more because it's fun than because it can be a profession
All of you
There's always someone else.

Just today I met a lady who's nearly fifty, and she works at the discount store, and she rides horses, and she makes fantasy costumes. She loved my cloak that I was wearing while taking pictures today, and she freaked out, and turns out, she's a fantasy geek too. Sweetest lady, and it showed me that I don't have to be 'trendy' or 'cool' to make friends, and I'm not alone. I will not ever be the only sixty seven year old fantasy nerd out there who wears cloaks just for the fun of it and who has a Ranger's cabin for a house and who names her horses after characters.

So take heart, you outcasts, you oddities, you relics, you specials, you different, you wonderful, wonderful people; you're never alone.

Take heart.
Stay awesome.
Love your dragons like family.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Day Two: Danalia's Truth: Hope


To some people it's just a four letter word.
But to others it's a whole lot more.
Some people cling to it when all goes wrong.
Some people seek it when they lose everything.

I'm such a fantasy geek, but I have to quote Arya:
Don't abandon hope, never that. 

I also have to quote Max Lucado (An amazing person, by the way, check out his books):
Hope is not a granted wish or a favor performed; no, it is far greater than that. It is a zany, unpredictable dependence on a God who loves to surprise us out of our socks.

I don't know about you, but I really like that line. :) 
When we hope, we have to depend on something. As Christians, we depend on God, and, of course, He usually "Surprises us out of our socks".

So if you didn't read anything else, read this:
There is always hope.

We have an awesome God who loves us more than we can comprehend. 
He understands.
So always believe.
Always hope.

~ Danalia

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Day One: Cecilie's Truth: Focus.

Torüm, edlaz.
Greetings, friends.
This is Cecilie,  I'm here to introduce everyone to how this'll work, and in my opinion the best way to do that is to jump right in, so here we are.

Today's truth from me is focus.

Life stinks sometimes. You frown. Things go bad. Right now my family lives in a 32ft camper trailer. One on top of the other almost literally sometimes. Four cats. One dog. Four people. Not to mention all my characters and dragons, but that's another story . You have horrible days. But you can't let that break you. It's one day. Tomorrow's a new one. New things. New people. New ideas. New thoughts.

You have songs like this:
And then you have songs like this:

Amazing difference.
You have pictures like this:
Where you think: Hm. Good idea. Not a great turnout.

Then you have pics like this:
And you smile.

What's my point?
You can't dwell on the sad song or the failed picture.
You can't let the annoyances, the sadness, the pain, you can't let it get you down.
You have to focus. You have to focus on the good and not the bad. You have to listen to the sad song and go: "yes. Sad. Amazingly." But then you have to LISTEN TO the happy song, and not let the sad song bother you anymore. You have to focus on it.

You have to look at the failed picture and grimace, but then you have to look at the awesome one and think: "Now that's good. The other doesn't matter. Things fail. This one's GOOD."
You can't think: "I failed a picture. Time to drop photography."
You failed one picture.
So what?
It's ONE PICTURE.You took forty five that day, and out of those, you failed maybe three.
Failures happen.
Sad songs are written.
But you have to focus on the happy, and let it make you smile.
You can't fight it, you have to let it make you smile, let it make you dance, and let yourself enjoy it.

There's day one :) Hope you enjoyed.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

About Us

Danalie Alyth  Leyimatön Arukasi. Long name, isn't it? Well it should be. It has to account for two people, after all. I am one of them. The Lie, Lyth, Leyim, Asi part of all that. I'm snarky and I'm a self-proclaimed fantasy nerd. I'm obsessed with cloaks, I'm an elf, and I'm a writer. I have fifteen dragons. Oh yeah. Fifteen and counting. Don't look so surprised please, it's true! Enough about me for now. Time to let the Dana Al Matön Aruk half of the name take over.

Thanks. :) I'll try to not sound too repetitive. We're almost the same person, Cecilie and I. I like to draw, although whenever I do it usually results in a full trash can and lots of *headwall* ing. I love to talk weird, even when I'm typing. I love to write, and be incredibly random. I love to laugh and walk in the rain. I'm a confusing person; one moment I'll  seem perfectly normal, the next I'll be talking to you with a British accent, asking how the weather is in Alagaesia. So yeah, that's me. ;)

Cecilie here, taking back the reins. You're probably going to want to know what in all of Esterì this blog is about, huh? (I'm sure you want to know what Esterì is too, but that's a different story) This blog is about finding everyday truths around us, simple things that make us smile, think, laugh, grin, spin. No sad things, but truths that make us joyful, especially things that make us grin and praise God. Every day one of us will post a truth she learned that day.Sometimes we'll do a collaborative post, you'll just have to stay tuned ^.^

And here's Danalia again. As Cecilie said, we're going to be looking for truths, and we encourage you to start looking, too. You can keep them to yourself, or you can put them in the comment section. Feel free to come and join us as we begin our epic quest for truths. ^_^

And there it is, edlaz-
*Ahem* English, Cecilie, English!
Oooops....sorry, Danalia...let me start over. 
There it is, friends, our blog. Follow us, please, on our journey. We hope to be changed by it, and maybe, you know, if our writing is good enough and the such like, you will be too. We hope you enjoy the ride with us, and can tolerate the random inferrences made by our Dragons 

We wish you the best,
Cecilie and Danalia