Monday, March 26, 2012

Where do I start?

Where do I begin....I dunno.

Oh. I'll begin by saying this won't be every day...I forgot I had blogs until today. Oops. But I SHALL POST TRUTHS WHENEVER I FIND THEM AND REMEMBER TO POST ABOUT THEM.

And don't stop looking, edlaz, don't ever, ever stop.

SO. Onward and upward, yah?

It's so amazing to see God working in your life. So truly and unbelievably amazing.

Lately things at dance haven't been going well. I've been questioning if dance is still my passion. If it's worth pursuing it if I can't find a place that will help me do what I want to. If it's worth pursuing it at all.

But then God stepped in. And He told me that we're staying at this studio.


I was invited to the tap competition team.

How do you get in? Invite only.

So now I'm on an invite only tap only competition team. And next year I'm dropping jazz classes.

This means I get more tap, I don't have to move studios, and I don't have to join the normal competition teams and therefore do more jazz and lose my life. If I joined the normal competition team I'd be dancing 10 hours a week and have practically no free time.

I did not want that. At all.

But God fixed things so amazingly well I can't think of a better way. AT ALL.

So see? That's the truth of it all right there. If you wait. If you have just a little blind faith. If you say "here, I let go of it all. LET GO I tell you." And DROP IT ALL, and just say, God, here. Your turn. then amazing and powerful things come out of it.

The truth summed up: God's got the best plans ever.

Keep your heads up, all. The faith of a child is sometimes better than trying to think everything through.

Doodle aimlessly,
Cuddle with your kitties,
And pet the llamas.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Cecilie's Truth: Go the extra mile

So you may have noticed this kinda got off track....yeah...I kinda haven't blogged in close to a week O.< Sorreh bout that. I dunno if this'll be an every day thing now, because of multiple reasons I'm too tired to list right now XD

Onward, edlaz!!!

So today was not a cool day.
Ever have one of those days when you feel like you're the only happy person in the house? Mum's stressed and stretched and gives you the "mom look" all day no matter what she's saying, and your little brother's near tears all day, and all you want to do is enjoy life?
Meh. Hate those days.
And today was one of 'em.
Seems to get worse when only having 32 feet of living space.
But now I'm abusing the purpose of this blog. Onto the smile. go the extra mile. Today mum was being stressed and stretched, and it was chore day and clean the trailer day. I was told to do multiple things and get off the computer. Best thing for this? Just do it. So I was told to go clean out my seat in the car, and I did, and when I came in I found her looking even MORE stretched than before, so what did I do?

Went out and cleaned the rest of the car. Because I didn't want that look to go on. I just did it. Without being asked.

Just give up a little more of your time, and do something extra. I could go into the whole long shpiel of all that that you've heard before. I'm just talking small tonight and don't even know what I'm saying XD

So if that made any sense, there it is ;)

The dragons need their scales polished once a month,
Marshmellows are nummy :3
And yes that is a word. Deal with it :P

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Danalias Truth: Laugh

SO sorry for the overdue post, but I've had a cold an therefore couldn't think. My head's cleared slightly, but I'll be surprised if this whole thing actually makes sense.


You know how sometimes you feel down and sad, and for some reason, no one's there to cheer you up? LAUGH. Read a comic. Watch a funny show. Recall those times with your best friend. Do whatever works, just get yourself giggling, and enjoy.

Dance around in pajamas
Sing in the rain
And always hug your cat.

~ Danalia

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Danalias Truth: Praise Him

You know the drill, on my iPod, etc etc.

You know how good it feels when you get praise?
Let's say you get inspired and write an entire book. You give it to someone to read, and they love it. They talk about it, and they just adore it. You'd feel pretty good, wouldn't you?

Have you ever thought that that's the way God would feel if you praised Him?
So when you win, praise Him.
When you lose, praise Him.
If you gain something, praise Him.
If you lose something, look at what you didn't lose, and praise Him.
When all things go out of YOUR control, know that HE is in control, and praise Him.

Praise Him all the time. In the good, in the bad, praise Him. He loves you; praise Him. He gave you a roof over your head; praise Him.
If anyone deserves praise, it would be God. So praise Him.

Thank the Lord.
Hug your dragon.
Know that chocolate and prayer fix everything.


Cecilie's Truth: Just do it.

Sorry for no post last night :P No apologies or explanations...sorry. That was an apology, wasn't it?

Moving on.

Sometimes you just have to do it. Just be YOU. Run out into the rain and get soaked. Splash in puddles. Laugh hysterically. it. Do something you wouldn't normally do. Do something crazy. Put chocolate chips on your popcorn. Run in the rain! :D Giggle for no reason. Do a mad libs with your family. Be crazy. Be fun. Be weird. Be you :)

That is all

Always ask about Perry
Remember that Pascal's a chameleon
And count all 101 dalmations

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day Twelve: Danalias Truth: Take A Break

As usual, this is from my iPod, so forgive me for the short post. =)

Sometimes life can be overwhelming, whith appointments, classes and tight scheduals. You can feel like it's too much, you can feel very pressured. TAKE A BREAK! Get away from it all.

Today was the first day in two weeks that I've been able to lounge around, doing whatever I wish. Today was the 'Saturday' that I never got the past few weeks. Just to show you how busy my life is, today I had to get up at 6:45 this morning, sign on to my journalism class, do chores and school, sign on to my geography class, clean the den and wash the sunroom doors. And yet, it felt like paradise. Yeah, that's how busy my life is right now. But this little break in my schedual helped me rest and prepare for what's to come. So take a break and relax. :)

~ Danalia

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Extras extras! Truths all around!

I just posted a truth, like, three minutes ago, but here's another I realized. That's what this blog's for, anywho.

This might be a silly one :P but enjoy the itty bitty things. No not the "small things" like on my previous post; children, special moments, not that kind of thing.
But the minuscule, tiny, itty bitty teensy weensy things.
The feel of cold apple juice on your tongue.
The look of your favorite necklace.
The feel of your favorite outfit.
A favorite song in a musical.
An inside joke between you and a character of yours. (No that's neither sad nor pathetic; it's rather enjoyable)
Discovering you've added just the right amount of honey to your tea.
Making tea in the first place :P
Watching a TV show with a sibling.
Watching a treasured and time-honored mom and me movie.
Watching any movie with your grandmother.
I'm getting small here. Going back to miniscule.
Gnawing on your nails or your lip while you're reading.
Staying up really late because you're reading and you just can't stop.
Waking up to see a special drawing and a valentine card from your brother on your ceiling, and instantly knowing you've gotten up on the right side of the bed.
The look of a well loved book.
The smell of book pages, slightly worn and turned.
The smell of new tap shoes, fresh out of the box.

Whenever I'm down or sad, angry, anything, a list like this makes me feel better. Not the small things, but the TINY ones. The minescule ones that no one thinks about when they get caught up in life. The small, itty bitty, teensy weensy things that, in my opinion, matter the most. 

That's all ;)

Stay awesome
Drink juicy-juices, 'cause they're the best. 
And give your Dragons a pat ;)